When you give to Patterson Baptist Church it directly helps not only the operating costs of local ministry, but also to disaster relief in the form of food, blankets and shelter. This is local, national and international. PBC is affiliated with other like minded Christian organizations that with cooperative help are able to provide disaster relief.
With every ministry we support at Patterson Baptist Church, we strive to show the love of Christ, as he first showed us through the Word of God.

These Following Missionaries are supported only through your direct gifts.
Translation, Publication/Literature, Evangelism, Prison Ministry
Through Christian Missions in Many Lands
Born in 1947, the 2nd child of 6. Cambridge, MA. We were very poor and life was hard. I enlisted in the United States Navy in 1965. I did two tours of duty in Vietnam in 1966 and 1969. My main responsibility was running war supplies deep inland via the many rivers. Much of my time was spent near the northern DMZ. In 1972, I read the Bible from cover to cover. The Bible fascinated me! I wanted to get close to God! Still searching for God I got mixed up in three different cults. My life was mixed up and in much turmoil. This put a tremendous strain on my marriage. I continued searching for God. The Word of God consumed me! I would have no peace until I found the Lord Jesus! Finally in February of 1981 I trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. I soon started attending Countryside Bible Chapel, Lexington, MA, where I got involved in the Awana Clubs. The Awana Clubs played a major role in my children’s salvation. Even when I was a babe in Christ I had a hunger and thirst for missions. The Assemblies were a great help in maturing me and encouraging my desire to share the precious Word of God. In the late 1980’s I got involved in the Jó Hír (Good News) Hungarian Literature Mission becoming more and more involved as time went on. 2002/2003 - After much prayer with the saints at Valley Bible Fellowship, in Georgetown, MA, I was commended as a missionary of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. My ministry focus is in the work of Jó Hír, which consists of translation and publication of gospel literature into the Hungarian language, street evangelism, prison ministry, and where ever the Lord opens a door to share His Word.